Right Next Step Programme

At a glance

As high-potential leaders rise in their careers many become less clear about what they want. While they may understand they have plenty to offer, they may be less certain about the direction they want to take, the leaders they want to be and, as a result, their right next step. This uncertainty left unaddressed can lead to confusion and ambivalence and ultimately to disengagement and resignations.

To transition to more senior or influential roles, high-potentials need three attributes: clarity about what they want, confidence in the value they offer, and the courage to bring it. The Right Next Step has been specifically designed to support the next generation of leaders to develop these attributes and successfully step up.


This experience is not designed as a remedial programme to address potentially career-derailing behaviours. It is specifically designed to support highly valued mid and senior leaders worthy of investment to realise their potential.

The experience is guided by Anne Elder-Knight or Kate Peterson, depending on our availability, who act as thinking partners to help you identify options and reach the decisions needed for you to step up.


One of the greatest risks for organisations today is their inability to attract, retain and utilise the potential of the next generation of leaders. While organisations certainly have a role to play in unlocking this talent, this is nigh on impossible if the leaders themselves don’t know where and how to make their best contribution.

The Right Next Step delivers a short, focused intervention to enable the leaders of tomorrow to clearly see what they offer and hone their delivery so others can appreciate and benefit from their gifts.


  • A detailed self-assessment to pinpoint where you are at and what decisions are required

  • Three 45-minute in-person or online partnered thinking sessions spaced 3-4 weeks apart

  • Customised self-paced learning activities to enable you to reflect, filter feedback and take action

  • A unique template for capturing, tracking and progressing your leadership career goals and development

  • A 30-minute final review, assessing successes and learning and forward commitments

  • Curated recommended reading, viewing, and listening tailored to your objectives

  • A copy of Anne’s book Growing a Great Leadership Career: How to stand out for all the right reasons

“Anne was instrumental in me taking on my current role of MD at Beca. Her wise counsel, enthusiastic support and perfectly-judged prodding, helped me see myself, my talents and the contribution I make in a very new light. With this insight, she helped me take a bold step to apply for a role that I would otherwise not have considered.”

— Darryl-Lee Wendleborn, Managing Director, BECA New Zealand

Investment $3950 + GST

To Register

We only offer a limited number of Right Next Step experiences at any time. We choose to work with people we connect with, and for whom we believe our talents have the potential to make a life changing difference. We reserve the right to push pause on this engagement following the initial in person session if we believe the experience will not have intended impact.

Book a free 15-minute call to see if we connect and answer any questions you may have.